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Erik Valdman – The Art of BIM

The fourth chakra is one we’re a lot more familiar with. There’s no one here who’s not familiar with it. It’s located right in the middle of the chest.

It’s that chakra that gives us internal balance. It balances those physical aspects which are the lowest and those that are less physical, which are balance.

The fourth chakra is the first indicator when something goes wrong in that internal balance.

When something goes wrong, it’s usually indicated by anxiety and stress. We feel it like a rock sitting in our chest.

It also becomes a physical response. When we have anxiety or internal stress, when the fourth chakra is not functioning well, we fold in. When we fold in, the spine responds. We receive discomfort in the area of the fourth chakra on the spine. The physical reaction is how it happens.

Remember moments in your life when you did things right and people said, “Good for you.”What happened? You put your chest forward. It was a physical reaction to a feeling pride. It’s no coincidence. Because the fourth chakra gives strength to the immediate area of the body, when we feel anxiety, we tend to have shortness of breath. The breathing stops. When we’re proud and the chakra’s working well, the breath becomes free and easy


The third chakra is located around the belly button area. The location of this chakra changes according to the person. It can shift a little bit, but it’s mainly along the spine in that area. This chakra is an indicator for personal physical strength.

When we’re weak, we have no strength. The first indicator to know a person is physically weak is that the third chakra is down. It could be a strong person that overworks themselves.

Also, when the third chakra isn’t working properly, our digestion is also not working properly.

Also, a quality of energy in the third chakra gives us what we call instinct. The ability to react fast to something that attacks or assaults us. That ability to act fast is the strength.

Again, what I’m teaching you here is based on an ancient knowledge, but what I add is my experience and wisdom.


The second chakra is located in the middle of uterus or the prostrate gland, in the lower abdomen. It’s a center which gives the energy for division of cells in the body.

Because cells constantly divide in the body, they require a source for that energy. The main source of energy for the division of cells comes from the second chakra. It’s also a chakra that communicates with living nature, and it has that vibration.

It’s no coincidence that it’s also called the sex chakra. As I said, it’s no coincidence because of its location and function. Many times they say that to have a healthy sexual drive means youth.

This is what they really mean. Being youthful means the energy for cell division in the body is still strong.

The second chakra is a very important area. Generally, when men and women’s levels of energy start to drop, what’s called aging, they tend to have problems in the lower abdomen.

We tend to get problems like cancer in the lower abdominal area. It’s very popular right now. It’s because for one reason or another, we’ve not learned how to keep a strong, healthy function within the chakra.

It’s not an indicator, but it so happens that because those energy centers are located along the spine, first there is the energy change and then we sense it in an emotional response. The next response is a physical one in the spine.

Many times, lower back discomfort is a good indicator that something in the lower abdominal area, as far as energy is concerned, isn’t functioning well. I’ve done over 5,000 diagnoses in the last three years and have received instant feedback on my accuracy. I have drawn conclusions from all of those.

You’re listening to them right now. It’s not something I’ve read somewhere. It might coincide with what others say. Is it true? There’s only one truth.

This is my experience.


First, we’ll be looking at the energy center. It’s the meeting place of energies at the bottom of the spine. I’ll number it “1.” It’s at the bottom of the spine. I sense that energy vibration.
A lot of the information I’ll give you comes more from my observation because I’m able to sense that, rather than from horizontal reading materials. It might differ a little bit from what you’ve read or already know. This is how

I see it. At the bottom of the spine there’s an energy center that keeps reserves of energy. In those moments we require extra energy to run away and protect ourselves, this is where the body takes it from. It’s from the bottom of the spine. If you’ve heard of Kundalini, that’s what they’re working with, those reserves.

Why it’s so important is because many arts, many forms of work actually utilizes those reserves to help enhance the work of the system. Here, what I teach is to keep those reserves always full for emergencies. Don’t touch them. I never tell you, “Take it from the bottom of your spine.”
We utilize the energy we’re working with by receiving more and more of it all the time. This way, we always keep the emergency reserves full.

The first chakra is, by its number, the lowest vibration. It also gives us the feeling of being grounded, of the vibrations of the earth. In a sense, it communicates in a downward direction.

This is how it’s drawn in most books. The way I see the chakras is as a center or a dot. It’s a mid-point. The energy that’s received and the communication that happens, happens in all directions, 360 degrees, as well as from within. I will talk about this more later. This is how I see it.

In other words, some of you might have an image in your mind of a chakra. You might utilize an image of something you’re familiar with. You’ve seen a drawing. The chakra sometimes works to the front or the back. I’ll try to help those of you that have an image by giving you one that doesn’t have a direction. You’ll be a lot more complete in your information.

Because of our knowledge, a lot of times with visualization we dictate to the chakra which way to work. If you want to dictate, then dictate in all directions. It may be quite difficult to imagine.

Please try to receive the image that comes to you rather than projecting one.
It will be a lot more accurate. This is the first chakra.


Understanding Chakras

angel wings by erik valdman
The chakras are an ancient knowledge. Today, I will only go into the understanding of the chakras as much as we will need.
There are two levels of information. One is horizontal. The other is vertical. I will give you a touch of horizontal knowledge. Just a touch. Just enough so you will be comfortable to activate your vertical knowledge.

A lot of that information, whether it’s already written somewhere or not, whether you’ve already read it or not, will come again through you. My goal is to show you it is possible.

We’ve already determined movements are possible. Movements are just internal knowledge of the body which we allow to be dictated. You could express that new information that comes in to movement. You could describe it, which we did. Sometimes you can sing it. Sometimes you can dance it.

Don’t restrict yourself to any form. Please, not here, not right now. It could be the fastest way to grow.

The main thing we need to know about the chakras is very, very simple.

Chakras are knowledge that has been there for thousands of years. It’s knowledge about specific centers that were discovered along the spine. Those centers are basically a crossroad of many pathways of energy The more pathways of energy that are crossed at a point, the stronger that center becomes.

It’s similar to cities. If anyone is familiar with Toronto, it’s a meeting  point. I believe every chakra is a meeting point. That’s what makes it special. There are many, many chakras, or meeting points, within the body.

We’re going to be looking at the seven major chakras. They are basically agreed upon through many traditions. Instead of giving you their names and making you remember them, I’ll number them.

angel wings by erik valdman

I was always questioning this concept of Angel Wings…

I believe you too have Angel Wings !!!
But your wings are literally hidden behind you…


So this is how it works :

I have observed in nature, everything manifests into reality from its natural center, unfolding into a sphere…when we look at a cross section of that sphere it makes a shape of a heart!

Now, we are energy beings, our existence too, if we could get our eyes to see it is a quantum resonance of energy into form, in exact same shape, from the centre into a heart shaped sphere!

Now:) when your breath is taken away, when your physical heart begins pounding real fast, you begin feeling the energy resonance of “Physical LOVE” at the chest! Now:) What about the “Spiritual LOVE”? Good Question, spiritual love has exact same energy pattern, Heart shaped, but resonating from the TOP of the HEAD:)

Ultimate Love is the Energy Joining of these Two Hearts (Chest 4th Chakra and the Top of the Head, 7th Chakra )! As it is a very powerful raising of consciousness it also resonates with great power. If you could imagine looking at a person with this kind of resonance…you would begin seeing the outlines of that heart beginning at the center of the chest and extending to a HEART Like Formation above their heads!

Their physical image being easier to see, you would also see a whitish cloud like formation behind and on top of their body (WINGS!)

Angelic qualities are the perfect union between the heart and spiritual love! Painters, children and creative spiritual souls can actually see that formation. No wonder they draw wings to great souls!

Today, I actually led a training on how to speed up our inner growth and awaken to the level of spiritual love. Those who are interested in LIVING “practical spirituality” can now raise their ENERGY and learn the tools to practically raise from the Butterfly Wings, of recognition of self alone, to a higher recognition, an actual awakening into the ‘Angel Wings’ !

The closer we can get to this NEW Energy of ‘Angel Wings’ the more often and the more natural we will feel that our altruistic ideas are matching with our true inner feelings.

Thank you for this POWER that you keep giving me, your love is the perfect union of two hearts, you are my ANGEL!

In this drawing I showed this as a ‘symbolic’ angel and we can see a halo and then the wings representing this big heart!

If you find yourself feeling like an angel you can now join me and my good friend Giovanni Marsico at ‘The Gifted Entrepreneur’ , for big-hearted entrepreneurs who want to change the world !

(An Emerging Community of Real PEOPLE with ANGEL WINGS ! )

See What You Can Do ->


The moment people face something they were not successful at in the past, they suddenly won’t press that key. Even though their energy level has changed, even though they’re capable of doing it now, they’re still holding themselves back without realizing it.

It’s very important to leave everything behind. It’s important to put everything on a shelf and start a completely fresh page every time we’re working. When our frequency is rising, we can suddenly do things we couldn’t do yesterday. We can now. That is the difference. We can heal wounds we couldn’t heal for 20 years. We can.

If we couldn’t do it yesterday, it doesn’t mean that we can’t today. The only difference is the inner frequency. That will put us on our way, but we must continue pressing those buttons. We’ve changed the batteries. We’ve connected to a supply. Now it will work. You need to press the button. You need childlike determination and then you’ll get there.

The first thing we’ll do in terms of practicing on our own is this. You’ll be able to visit our website and download your your first steps. It has instructions and guided meditation with internal commands. It’s a very simple command.

All of them are based on “I want to receive a lot of energy.” All of them are based on, “I want to receive a lot of energy and fill different floors of the body,” the head, neck, arms, chest, abdomen and so forth. It’s very simple. The simplicity is our gift right now. Then we will not be afraid it won’t work.

We’ll train ourselves. We’ve forgotten how to properly utilize our internal remote control and command system. We know exactly how to do it for survival needs and things like arms rising and legs moving. For other things we’re afraid. We’re afraid we won’t be successful. We’ve actually forgotten how to use it.

Here we are utilizing those inner commands. First we’ll retrain ourselves to use our remote control. This is why simple keys are the best for retraining. Later we’ll use more complex keys. It’s still a program that runs. It’s a part of who we are. There will not be any greater complexity. It will be just as simple, but behind the key will be more complex further in the system.

Do we care? We are like two-year old children with our systems. We don’t need to understand it to be able to make it work. A two-year-old child can use a remote control to change the channel on the television set. He does not need to understand how it is programmed.

It’s preprogrammed. They press the button and it works for them. Given the opportunity I say that the same two-year-old child can send a satellite into space, just by pushing a button. The complexity of the program behind it and how many years it took to develop and become who we are does not matter.

It’s the same simplicity as the remote control of a television set. It requires just as much knowledge, as long as we are not overriding it and as long as the level of our inner frequency is high enough to do it.

First we’ll practice that. Two things will happen simultaneously. One is the first thing we talked about, the self-regulatory process and connecting and turning on of those neural pathways we’re experiencing here. They were created. We obviously feel that change in our body and feel how our body is moving us.

At the same time we’ll add the parallel process of pressing the internal command. By combining them together we suddenly utilize our mind and logic. It’s been utilized up until now to restrict and hold us back. We won’t use it that way. We’ll work together with our body.

Later on we’ll be able to achieve much greater things. Our frequency will be higher and our inner command will be greater. Our automatic system will give us inner health and renew itself. We will be able to use the internal remote control with our logic and mind to achieve even greater results in the shortest period of time. That’s basically the process of Karma Secrets. You’ll understand much more as we go on.

Now To Your First Meditation !

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The third and probably the most relevant thing that must exist is our inner frequency or level of energy must always coincide with the command that we press. If that does not happen, we can press the command button, but it won’t give us any results. Our frequency and energy must be at least the level of the command or higher.

For example, it’s the same as when we have a fever. Sometimes when we have an illness, we lie in bed and reach for a glass of water. It’s the same as giving ourselves an inner command to raise that arm and reach for the glass of water.

Guess what happens? The arm just does not rise. What is the conclusion? The conclusion is, “I forgot how to raise my arm!” Obviously that’s not true. You didn’t forget it. The neural pathways exist. You’ve given the proper command. It’s just that the arm does not rise.

You may say, “My arm will never rise again!” Obviously that’s not true. The only thing required at that point to raise your arm is something we know right away. Our level of energy needs to rise. The moment our level of energy rises, we are again capable of raising that arm.

The same thing happens right across the board in everything we do. If we give an internal command, if we have a wish and we’re not successful at it either inside of us or externally, it does not mean it’s not for us. It does not mean we can’t do it. It does not mean that key does not exist or that wish can never be fulfilled.

All that really means is one of two things. We have enough energy and a high enough frequency, but we are listening to other people’s opinions. We are remembering our old past experiences and not allowing our own successes by overriding them.

We’re really not pressing those keys. Without pressing them, things will not happen, unless they’re for survival. Our system takes care of survival needs on its own. It does not ask us. The set of keys for survival or rejuvenation are pressed automatically, as long as the energy allows it.

We might be overriding it because of fear created through believing others or past experiences. Two is that our frequency is just not high enough. The answer is to raise our inner frequency and try it again. Try it without doubt and the same intention. Then we’ll be successful.

Often people who come in to work with me have incredible success with new experiences. Why? They don’t have the dogmas they’ve created. They don’t have the past negative experiences of not being successful.

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The second part of the Art of BIM that we will work with is not instead of what I described earlier.

That is where we connect and utilize new neural pathways we achieve through this meditative state or what I call “inner-active state.” It’s active. It’s not a passive state. It’s an inner state that creates action and movement from within, from the inside out.

It’s a parallel process. We’re adding this parallel process to what I call the “self-regulatory process” that we’re experiencing right now. It is actually a process of inner command. The inner commands have been known by different techniques. Here the inner commands are acting as an internal remote control. That internal remote control is something natural to our system.

Everything we do through our logic and conscious mind, we do through internal remote control. This includes raising our arms. How do we raise our arms? It’s very simple. We press an internal button. We give an internal command that says, “I want to raise my right arm.”

Right after that, what do we do? Absolutely nothing, we just let our arm rise. How successful are we? We’re pretty successful. It’s just a normal function of our body. It’s something that our body and system allows us to do.

What’s more interesting is that the moment we change the command, “I want to raise my left arm,” our left arm rises. How do we really know our left and right? We don’t. Our system internally knows exactly. This is how we command through internal commands. This is how we move around, speak, work and do things. We are able to give those commands.

What is required to be successful with those inner commands? One thing is for sure. Unless you press that button, nothing will happen. Unless you truly give that internal command, nothing will happen. It doesn’t need to be aloud. It’s internal. Your system hears you inside. Once you give that internal command it actually works.

The second thing is it’s important not to interfere with that command. In other words, do not hold back the arm. If you give the command, “I want to raise my right arm,” and then you hold it back, then obviously the arm will not rise. How do we hold our arm back? Often we hold it because we’re not sure if it can be successful. When we are not sure if we can be successful, we override the command with doubt.

The doubting thought becomes the next key we press. Here we are pressing the button that says, “I want to raise my right arm.” The next one is, “I’m not sure I can actually raise it.” “I’m not sure I can actually raise it,” becomes the next command. Then our body listens to the next one. Our body listens to everything we say.

Fear and doubt override the first commands. Often we think we’re actually ordering or sending an internal command to our body to do something. We don’t realize that we’re overriding it right away. Then we really didn’t order it. Sometimes when it’s not successful it’s because we didn’t give the command. We didn’t send the message.

Here’s another thing that’s interesting. When we send that message to raise the arm, what is required to raise the arm? Higher blood circulation, more oxygen in the system, neural firing in the brain, stimulation and contraction of muscles and probably another billion different reactions in the body that we’re absolutely unaware of. We don’t need to be aware of them for it to happen. It’s a program that’s running perfectly.

Through internal command, thought process and intention, we are capable of changing our blood flow, intake of oxygen, exchange of information within ourselves, neural firing and contractions of muscles with one simple command.

All those symptoms we’re convinced we don’t have control over, we control. It’s quite incredible how that works. It gives us an insight of how capable we truly are.

One thing that needs to happen is obviously pressing that internal key or command for something to happen. The second thing that needs to happen is we cannot override it. We cannot give a second command of doubt or negative. Our body will listen to that second command. We can’t override it. We need to truly let it happen.

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We’re learning to sense that energy and allow it to freely take us as one, holistically. We’re truly connecting our thought process, our inner imagery and inner physical movements together where we are the ultimate observer. Yet, we’re not interfering with the natural process or the immediate needs, at this moment and time, of our body.

The need of the body will always coincide with our body’s or system’s ability to make the correction. Not only is the need met, it’s met at the level of the ability. The ability is determined by the inner frequency level, the energy level that we have. The higher the energy level the greater the ability.

The magic of what we’re doing is that as the frequency is rising, as we’re able to raise the inner energy of the system, so will our internal mechanism and program of who we are pick up on that new information exchange. It will happen automatically as if an internal remote control button is pushed inside. It will lead us to great success in the renewal mechanism of our body.

Our body has renewal mechanism constantly set for that renewal. As the available information comes in, so the renewal happens. When the level of energy or information diminishes, the renewal is slower. Therefore we age and receive signals of pain and discomfort.

The moment the frequency rises, the renewal happens under greater efficiency. The information is greater. Suddenly we are receiving very fast results with that renewal. As the results happen, the symptoms or signals of the discomfort and pain go away naturally.

Being able to connect is the first part of our Art. When you are with me and we are working with energy levels, we need to first understand how our system gathers information. It gathers information through the stimuli we receive.

Our five senses receive stimuli. The moment we become aware of that stimuli, whether it’s conscious awareness or not, there is a rewiring of our brain. The rewiring of the brain creates new neural pathways that did not exist before. The potential for them always existed but the specific neural pathways did not exist.

As our brain rewires, it’s like a memory. Any time we choose we can go back to an already existing neural pathway and repeat that memory, information or movement, posture or technique. It may be a thought or an image. You can bring it up because a neural pathway already exists. That’s an easy way for our system to do it.

Our system is also capable of creating new neural pathways. That requires higher frequency. Sometimes when we’re tired we find that new information is not for us. We want to wait until we’ve rested. New levels of communication, new thought processes, new ideas are not something we can handle.

It’s not because we don’t want to handle it, it’s because our frequency is so low that new neural pathways cannot be created. We can only work on the old knowledge, information or memory or ask somebody for help. We seem to have a problem creating new neural pathways.

This is what happens when we are together. The experience of being together and the energy we raise together and the response from the body creates those new neural pathways.

Once they are created, you at home are able to easily come back to the same state and go along an already beaten path. It’s an existing path. We will continue to make that connection stronger.

Every time we are together, we rewrite new connections with the experience we have together. Then those connections become a norm for you and from that point you will already grow.

This is the one aspect where we create new neural pathways. Then you connect to those neural pathways. That is your platform. That is your trampoline from which you can continue growing. That makes it quite easy.

It’s very similar to any form of exchange of information. Anything I say also becomes a new platform. That knowledge and information becomes who you are. It’s something in your memory. You can now use that for everything you do.

There is an exchange of information through words, gestures, pictures, movement and through this bio-wave we’re working with. This bio-wave is really the most natural way of exchanging information with nature and between people. That is exactly what we’re working on.

That information is actually exchanged on the highest speed possible. It is not restricted to the speed of light. We’re not exchanging that information through words or sound. We’re not exchanging that information through light or our eyes. We’re exchanging it at a higher speed. I’ll talk about it some other time. It is a whole other system.

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