Erik Valdman had the privilege of presented his findings in Moses Znaimer’s Idea City, also known as ‘Canada’s Premier Meeting of the Minds’.
Fathers have the hardest job
They are Not the Mothers
Mothers have inherent qualities of a caregiver
But the ‘MODERN Father’ has to Have
That Same CARE GIVING and MORE!!
From the ancient days,
A Father had to be the Strong protection
and The Provider
A Father (a Man) Could never appear week
or emotionally unreliable
The pressure of being a Man
has always been very high
as every Man, Father or Not
has to have these Qualities
of a Father
to feel worthy…
Please appreciate your Father
for all that they have to carry on their shoulders
since they were a little boy…
Please show your Father the respect,
the love, and the understanding,
for their showing up for the challenge of
Being A Man
(Though Results May Be Bias and May Vary!:))
Thank you Dad for being there, unconditionally, every day of my life, the best you could, the best you knew how. Forever my love and respect for you will continue growing, the better I know myself, the more I will know you.
You often hear that word in spiritual circles. Awareness, Awareness, Awareness…
What does it mean and how can changing your awareness really
put an end to your stress and anxiety ?
Awareness is not at all about gaining ‘more information’
awareness is how we process information
and comes as a result of a real change in your inner energy
simply put,
you begin seeing the potential in all things around you
instead of seeing them as the end and completed result
it begins with energy, then this new awareness
and your anxiety is gone…
Your anxiety is gone because your body is no longer seeing
this event, this conversation as the end, as a mature tree,
but as the very beginning, seed to things to come…
Suddenly the details do not matter, the judgement is suspended
and this event, these words, this person, becomes and inspiration
to things to come…
The chakras are an ancient knowledge. Today, I will only go into the understanding of the chakras as much as we will need.
There are two levels of information. One is horizontal. The other is vertical. I will give you a touch of horizontal knowledge. Just a touch. Just enough so you will be comfortable to activate your vertical knowledge.
A lot of that information, whether it’s already written somewhere or not, whether you’ve already read it or not, will come again through you. My goal is to show you it is possible.
We’ve already determined movements are possible. Movements are just internal knowledge of the body which we allow to be dictated. You could express that new information that comes in to movement. You could describe it, which we did. Sometimes you can sing it. Sometimes you can dance it.
Don’t restrict yourself to any form. Please, not here, not right now. It could be the fastest way to grow.
The main thing we need to know about the chakras is very, very simple.
Chakras are knowledge that has been there for thousands of years. It’s knowledge about specific centers that were discovered along the spine. Those centers are basically a crossroad of many pathways of energy The more pathways of energy that are crossed at a point, the stronger that center becomes.
It’s similar to cities. If anyone is familiar with Toronto, it’s a meeting point. I believe every chakra is a meeting point. That’s what makes it special. There are many, many chakras, or meeting points, within the body.
We’re going to be looking at the seven major chakras. They are basically agreed upon through many traditions. Instead of giving you their names and making you remember them, I’ll number them.
Time: May 24, 2021 08:00 PM Beijing, Shanghai
Every day, 5 occurrence(s)
May 24, 2021 08:00 PM
May 25, 2021 08:00 PM
May 26, 2021 08:00 PM
May 27, 2021 08:00 PM
May 28, 2021 08:00 PM
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 845 1108 9611
Passcode: 038539
Thank you for your trust!
Our session will be about one hour
We could use ZOOM or Phone
Please have a ‘dining room style’ chair with a strait back available and some floor room, just enough for a Yoga or a Tai-Chi kind of movements as we maybe doing some energy together
Please go HERE to my schedule
and set the best time for us to meet
Please Note: You must make tuition payment first, before setting your time
on Erik’s schedule. If you have not made the payment, please go here first
and you will be brought back to this page !:))
Once our time will be set you will receive the ZOOM link to join our session
There are Morning and Evening hours available
(Please Note: if you are out of Province we are in Toronto Eastern time)
If you need to reschedule, please give us a 24 hour notice
If you need another time please call Michelle at (416) 410-1290
and she could help you (Office Hours: 10 am – 8 pm Toronto, Eastern Time)
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