Lets be honest, our global economy will be better and soon, but it will not be the same as before.
To survive and strive in the new economy most companies are downsizing,
cutting costs, reducing overhead and letting go of “good people”.
The competition at the workplace is high, the competition for ‘new jobs’ is even greater.
The bills are not going down, the mortgage rates are still reasonable so the middle class is still afloat.
But it is not very wise to live on the edge.
Many who never run their own business are now looking to supplement their income.
Thousands of new entrepreneurs are coming into the market place.
Doing business on the Internet and as independent business owners.
But being in your own business is a whole new world!
Soon, Fear , Stress and Anxiety takes over.
Whether you are a CEO of a large cooperation, an employee, a business professional
or an entrepreneur, you must be feeling it!
The Responsibilities must be weighing on you as well.
Will your family understand?
Your days are getting longer.
Your energy is dropping, sleepless nights…
How do you escape all this? Is there a way out?
Ok, maybe it is not that bad, but to survive this and the next wave of economical turmoils you must make some changes.
Now, I am not only talking about external changes, but internal as well.
You are only as strong as your levels of energy are.
No matter how much you know, what your level of experience is, how talented you may be, if your can’t stay focused,
confident and remain calm under pressure you are not keeping your job and you are not making it in the cooperate or the business world.
It is simply too demanding.
So what to do?
The need to make real changes in your mindset, the way you deal with people and do business just to survive.
So, why am I sharing this with you?
Well, recently I was approached by a group of independent distributors of a global company.
The Goal: To develop a program to help keep high energy and maintain confidence with new recruits and team members.
The Program: “Energy Edge” – Karma Secrets for Business and Success
Only three weeks into the program we begun to see a noticeable momentum in energy moral and most of all RESULTS!
Now, sponsored by one of their most prominent team members and a very successful Toronto business man, I am introducing “Energy Edge” – Karma Secrets for Business and Success in 11 live day and evening introductory events around Toronto Area.
A Karma Secrets for Business & Personal Success, a full day training is coming in the next few weeks.
Are you interested?
Stay tuned.