It was 2003, I was thirty five years old…
During one routine private session which I was teaching, something was very different, what I have discovered then, has since greatly contributed to the growth of thousands of people around the world. I have discovered The 40 Karmic Screens. The 40 Karmic Screens is an energy structure which acts as our highest natural PROTECTION mechanism.
I was inspired, and begun my research. Which led me to better understand the connection between our Karma and our stem cells, our mind and neurogenesis.
It became obvious that the same numerical 40 reflects in our emotional state, physical health, thoughts and directly expressed in all aspects of our daily lives. It took just a few months and the magic of 40 became even more obvious. I was delighted to find out that for many centuries 40 was considered a number for profound inner change. Many traditions considered forty years, forty days to be connected to reaching the highest levels of consciousness.
In Jewish, Christian, Islamic and Hindu Traditions 40 is a sacred number. Many believe that as we approach the age of forty, something special happens, something changes…
In the years following my research I have presented four week courses on “The 40 Karmic Screens”, “The Power of 40” and “The Spiritual Cell”.
My students often asked me to hold a special training on my 40th birth day.
I have finally agreed. November 22nd 2008 is that day.
Please stay tuned…